Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Surgery one week away! Pre-Admission Appointment Today

Had my Pre-Admission Today.
Went down to Good Sam's today.  Traffic was horrible getting there, and then we got lost in the parking garage...but we figured it out and got there.  Just remember level H has the sky bridge to the main building. 

The nurse we met with today was great!  We went over EVERYTHING.

Pre-op skin preparations (antibacterial wash the night before with clean sheets and PJ's then I have special wipes to use after another antibacterial wash in the morning).

Pre-op nutrition: My meals for the next week...
Because I'm a "high risk" patient due to low weight, malnourishment, and very low caloric intake recently they prescribed IMPACT, I'm to drink 3 of them a day for the five days prior to surgery.  I was told that they also help your immune system and help prevent infection and help wound healing.

We went over anesthesia and my difficulties previously, anesthesiologist will contact me this week. 

Pain management

Day of surgery directions, I'm the first case in the main operating room.  This will be so nice, can't get pushed back. 

Keeping my lungs clear post-op with a incentive spirometer

Advanced directive

Current medications and current health status

Then we did some lung tests, blood pressure, temp, glucose tests, and blood work for the anesthesiologist. 

Left with a bag full of "goodies" and I start my IMPACT tomorrow, lets see if I can get it all down and I'm praying that it stays down :(