Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Surgery Day

It's finally the day of my surgery.  I woke up feeling excited for the healing process to start but scared to death of this major surgery that is about to take place. 

I'm just happy Matt is here with me and that we will be meeting my family in a little while at the hospital.  I'm most scared about trusting the nurses after surgery to take care of me, I know, I definitely have control issues.  I made Matt promise me that I would never be alone while I was in the hospital, what a great husband I have.  I had to wake up very early to take one last shower and to wipe down with the special antibacterial soap and wipes they gave me.

I then put on my comfies and gave the cats and the dogs one last hug...Well the day has come whether I'm ready or not. Wish me luck! 
One last quick picture of my belly before surgery, the last few moments of a scar free belly!