My Story

As many of you know the last five years of my life have been controlled by my digestive issues. I have been blessed to work with some of the best doctors and specialists in the US.  This is my story...

I had been living a life controlled by nausea, vomiting, noticeable and uncomfortable bloating and stomach distention (looking pregnant), painful gas pains, extreme fatigue, stomach and intestinal cramping, and it was impossible to eat. I was suffering from a colon that had very little motility if any. It had ruined many family events, vacations, and my day to day life. I have had many trips to the ER and urgent care. I have seen many specialists from Gastroenterologists and X-ray specialists to colorectal surgeons.
It all started with a very angry gallbladder that was not functioning properly and I underwent a cholecystectomy (4/4/12). The operation went smoothly. During recovery I ran into complications, the worst of which was an ileus (severe pain, distended abdomen, constipation, nausea and vomiting). When these symptoms did not go away and became more severe the intense testing started.

As I continued the testing doctors were stumped. At this point I still had no answers. All structural tests came back "normal". In 2013 I had over 24 tests, not counting the ones I had done multiple times. Many of the tests were invasive and painful. Poke me here..OK...Poke me where?...Really?...Are you sure?...Well OK if you have to!! I was diagnosed with a motility disorder called colonic interia. But my gastroenterologist could not figure out why. The gastroenterologist started me on special diets and medications to help ease my symptoms. 

While trying each special/ restrictive diet and medication and therapy there was no improvement. In fact over time my motility was getting worse. At this point nothing had helped. The GI doctor and I knew that we had tried everything and he explained that I had compleeted all the tests needed to rule out any other diseases or structural abnormalities.  My next was to meet with a colorectal specialist and seurgon to discuss options. I was told surgery was my only option. 
In April of 2013 I underwnet a subtotal colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis. The post-op hospital say wasfilled with complications and it was a horrible experience but I made a full recovery and I am finally better than ever!  I celebrated being colon free in April of 2014! After surgery and recovery I am a new person, a person that can eat finally.
In May of 2014 I was diagnosed with pelvic organ prolapse (severe cyctocele, uterineprolapse, and rectocele) as well as a rectal prolapse and was told that I would be needing surgery to correct these issues.