Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Clear liquid diet day...surgery is tomorrow

I can't believe that today is my last day with my colon (large intestine).  Weird to think that in less than 24 hours my surgery will start.  Tomorrow I will loose my entire colon which is 5 feet long!  Not to mention that they must remove my appendix as well, it's connected to your colon.

Good riddance you malicious colon!
My home for the next week!
Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital
So today I am on a clear liquid diet, no fun when you are already weak, malnourished, anemic, and dehydrated consistently.  FUN FUN, NOT! We stocked up on popsicles, juices, Gatorade.  I hate that you can't drink anything red or purple, the red colors are always the best flavors. Right!!
So I will be spending the day with my Bella, she goes to my mom and dad's house tonight and will be on "vacation" there for a week until I come home from the hospital.  My kitties are snuggled into me as I speak, they know somethings up I think.  I have been doing some packing and they want to lay on everything I put in my bag which is a big problem.  I was instructed that everything I pack must be fresh laundered, aka it must go directly from the drier into my hospital bag. 
I also have to wash the sheets and bed linens today and I can only take them out of the drier and put them on the bed right before I get in.  Before getting in bed I have to wash with special soap tonight and then put on jammies straight out of the drier as well.  The surgeon is really addressing and working to prevent infection because my immune system is not working up to par.  The worst part is I am not allowed to be around my kitties after the shower tonight! They usually both sleep on me.  I am going to miss them tonight, I can't get comfortable without them smothering me, HA.
 Surgery is tomorrow!  It has come up so fast.  When we scheduled surgery it felt like it would take forever to get here.  Now it's tomorrow!