Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sitzmarker day 7

Went back to St. Vincents today to get my final xray taken.  The receptionist now not only knows my name (first and last), but she knows how to spell my last name!!  Every person I talked to asked why I was still coming back. So I had to explain that the rings will still be sitting in my colon a month from now because I only "go" once a month with help of super does of medications that make me super sick for days.  They were all very suprised to hear this... Is my problem really this rare?

Took the xray and I asked to see it.  The rings did not move but a centimeter or remained in the same spot.  On one had this was devistating but on the other hand it just confirms the fact that my colon is not working.  Having this concrete evidence makes the idea of surgery less scary (well maybe not) because at least we know for a fact that my colon is dead!!