Saturday, March 9, 2013

ER Nightmare

Last week I was having a very high heart rate and ended up in the ER to get things checked out. I was feeling faint and very weak. I could barrly stand up and my vision was going blurry.
Heart rate monitor hooked up and normal heart beat just very rapid. Blood pressure very high.

Then the nurse tries to take blood. What a disaster!! She put the needle in, it was one of the butterfly ones and the blood would not flow past the butterfly part even with her digging around, it was a nightmare!! Then it gets worse, she hit a valve in my vein and my vein blew the needle out of my arm and blood started squirting all over me, the nurse and the room. She tried again 4 more times over each arm, digging around and couldn't get any blood to come out. I almost vomited on her at this point, and was not a happy camper.

Another nurse came in and after another 3 sticks and a lot of digging around he finally got the blood to come out drop by drop and eventually we got enough to run the tests.

Blood work shows severe anemia, low electrolytes, low potassium. Gave me an iv (very hard to start) in my hand. Nurse tells me I'm dehydrated (duh) that's what happens when u can't keep food or water down because your colon is so freaking packed with weeks of stool!

We are all  pretty sure the anemia is due to the face that I've been living on "soft" foods and very low calories.  They say the high heart rate was due to the anemia and dehydration.

Today it really hit me that I can't live this way! I can't live in pain, being so bloated that I have stretch marks on my belly and my belly button pops like a pregnant woman's.  I can't eat or drink because I'm so backed up, I am miserable all the time.

I was such an active person before, I rang long distance, triathlons and lots of classes at the gym and I loved it. I'm praying for my return to my "normal" active self!!