Monday, March 25, 2013

Sitzmarker Day 5

All markers still retained. Over half were grouped together in the beginning of a ascending colon (right side) and a few were scattered beyond that and were making there way into the transverse colon there were three in the descending colon.

The xray tech started to freak out because she had never seen this many markers retained by day 5. Weird (maybe she's new).  Called the ER and asked if they thought I should go imediately there because of how full my colon was (backed up all the way to my small intestine. So I explained my situation and that this is "normal" for me. She made me wait to get the OK for me to leave from the head radiologist and the ER, took forever!!

Once I was finally able to leave the head radiologist he said that my doctor would call and let me know if I needed to take another xray. I guess it's up to her if i continue xrays. I hope not. I hope i'm done, sick of having to leave my class with a sub all the time.

Dr.'s nurse called and said that she was on spring break and that the on call Dr. would call me shortly.  The next day we got the call.  I need to take another x-ray on Wednesday March 27th.  One week after i ingested the capsule with the 24 markers.  Normal transit time is 24 to 36 hours. 

This xray did give us the evidence we were looking for. Now after the next x-ray and when she returns on Monday April 1st I need to make a follow up with her to discuss my options.