Thursday, May 30, 2013


I'm doing well! I'm actually able to EAT!! It's a miracle, really god has blessed my life!!!
I'm finally starting to do better and make some progress. I'm at 5 weeks post op and BMs have finally started to slow down! I met with the surgeon on Tuesday and asked him why I'm so tired weak and sore still. He said that because I was so malnourished, weak, dehydrated, toxic etc. before surgery that my body is having a hard time healing and gaining strength back. He also said that because I'm still so thin and was not able to eat for a long time after surgery that my body is just worn out. Makes sence, I can barely shower and when I do I need to take a nap after. So I'm still not back to work yet and we decided to see how I feel in a couple weeks and then talk about going back to work.He wants my body to rest to get strength back, he told me during surgery he saw very little trace of abdominal fat and want me to get a layer of fat before u start anything strenuous. Ha just what I want a belly pooch! Ha I have to laugh. I have always been on the skinny side so when I got sick and lost a lot of weight it was very dangerous. But it's hard to hear a doctor tell you to gain weight.

The surgeon was so thrilled to see how good I'm doing! He was so excited that I could eat! He cheered and hugged me. When he examined my belly he could not believe how flat my belly was. Ha!! He kept feeling my belly and saying how flat it is!! He seemed in shock! Well the appointment before my surgery I looked 9 months pregnant. Big difference!!!