Sunday, May 12, 2013

At home recovering

I'm at home resting and eating pretty much what ever I want, I started getting bloated and constipated a few days and it's because my stomach and intestine are still very slow because they have not fully woken up yet so i was advised to eat food that is easy to digest (toast, applesauce, bananas, chicken, eggs, yogurt, ice cream, canned peaches and pears etc.). I am doing OK and have been trying to walk to get things moving. BM's are getting better (less bloating and more frequent) and going about 8 or more times a day. But I have lots of pain when i do have a BM, i checked in with my surgeon on Tuesday to check on this, but I don't have a fever and pain only comes when i have a BM so its nothing that's an emergency. He says I'm about a week behind on recovery because i just started eating last Friday so the pain is probably the fact that I am eating more and more each day. My infection is doing much better, no more red and swollen hips, but and sides of my abdomen, but I'm still taking my antibiotics.

I'm very pale and weak, very weak and have no energy still. Thinking my blood levels are low again but will get that tested and taken care of on Tuesday. I'm guessing he will do some xrays as well for the pain I have during BM's to check on the anastomosis. Today I have had a light fever, about 100 so we need to watch it, if it gets over 101 then i am to go straight to the ER and my surgeon will meet me there.

I must say I had the BEST care team. They day of surgery I met with both anesthesiologist that would be in the room, then two of the nurses and the lead nurse that would be working with me, my surgeons assistants (3), and then my wonderful surgeon. Dt. T is definitely a superhero surgeon in my book!

All these people were wonderful and were very through and explained their part to me which was wonderful. After surgery I had the best nurses taking care of me for the most part, a couple of them were iffy and had a hard time handling my extreme vomiting and were too busy to help me efficiently. But I had some amazing nurses when I really needed them, like when I was the room number being announced over the loud speaker at 3 am for an emergency! I hated being "that patient" you know the sick one on the unit that demanded the nurses attention and felt bad about being so needy, that was emotionally hard for me.

But I must say I am so happy to be home resting with my kitties in my own bed. Going home was very scary and painful. I was very nervous to be leaving the hospital and be on my own at home with no nurses there every minute to help me up to the bathroom, shower, eat, drink, and give me medication and nutrients via IV, it was extremely scary leaving their care.