Thursday, February 7, 2013

Small Bowel Study

Lucky me...I just had a small bowel study done.  Before the test started I was already looking so very pregnant. People at the hospital would open doors for me thinking i was about to have a baby....not what i needed to happen, i started to cry......This test was HORRIBLE... I had to drink so much barium liquid and I was nautious before I started drinking.  I would drink a little, then sit with the barf bag in my lap and my face pushed into the bag waiting for it to all come back up, then drink some more, hold the barf bag up to my face and wait for it to get never did. But I just forced myself to drink it through the nausea. 

Once I had gotten it all down my abdomen became even more distended and my belly button began to pop out.  There was so much in my abdomen that it became hard to breathe and super painful.

Then they had me up and walking the halls in the gown and special socks.  Luckally the gowns can wrap around me twice because I was freezing walking the hallways. They had me take xrays at the start and then every 20 minutes to watch the barium go through my stomach and small intestine.  They noted the time to see if my stomach was slow to empty but luckaly my tummy did it's job in the correct amount of time.  Once the barium reached the end of the small intestine a doctore cam in with a special instrument that was like a paddle with a seethrough center, he pushed, poked and prodded on different areas of my abdomen to get xrays of all the main structural pieces of my small intestine.  This was so very painful but did not last long. 

Test showed a normal, healthy stomach and small bowel with a normal transit time.