Monday, April 22, 2013

Surgery Wednesday

I can't believe that surgery is the day after tomorrow.  I'm ready, I know that this is what I have to do to get myself better.  Yet, at the same time, I am scared to death.  Praying for a calm mind and body the next few days. 

Ive been a good girl, drinking my Impact specialised nutrition drink (pre-op for high-risk patients prior to major surgery).  Drinking what fluids I can and resting up.  I have all my clothing laid out already and we have moved the bed from our spare bedroom to the downstairs living room at our home so I have a place to rest downstairs so I don't have to do much walking. 

Tonight is my last meal. Tomorrow morning until midnight i am only allowed to have clear liquids and then nothing to eat after midnight. 

Wednesday morning I check in at 6am for a 8am surgery.  It's coming up so fast, am I ready?

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