Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What's been going on with me

Where this story starts…

I was admitted to the ER with severe upper right abdominal pain, fever and chills with nausea and vomiting. Classic symptoms of gallbladder disease. 

In the ER I underwent testing for suspected gallbladder disease as I also responded with the “Murphy’s sign” during my abdominal exam. 

Next I underwent testing. I completed a chest/abdominal X-ray and an ultrasound. Both the X-ray and the ultrasound were unremarkable and the decision was made to move forward with a HIDA scan. 

The HIDA scan revealed a low gallbladder ejection fraction which indicated chronic cholecystitis. I have been dealing with intermittent pain in this area for about the last year which my physician determined to be biliary colic. Previously the pain has been manageable with OTC painkillers and rest.  This was the first instance of severe symptoms. 

My medical team determined that the best course of action would be to remove my gallbladder. I was given anti nausea medication and IV fluids and met with surgeon. We scheduled my surgery for the following morning and I was sent home to rest. 

Leading up to surgery went like clockwork (arriving at the hospital, check in and prep) until my surgery was pushed back almost 6 hours. I don't even remember being wheeled into the OR, they gave me an injection in the read room to help me relax because I was super nervous!!   

After surgery the first thing I rember is waking up in extreme pain and crying for help. The nurses where really good to me and i could hear them on the phone to the seurgon saying things like, should she be in this much pain etc. The seurgon perscribed higher doses of pain meds. But at this point I could not open my eyes. Then the shaking began, my body was acting like i was having a seisure, it was shaking so violently that i could hear the metal portion of the bed banging against the wall behind me. My jaw was chattering like i was super cold but i was not. Next i remember the head nurse coming over and yelling at someone to get this girl a room, she's going to be here for a while. Then i was out.

I woke up again finally in a room, hours had passed since hearing the nurse ask for a room for me. I was suposed to go home the same day as my surgery. Up in my room the shaking and chattering teeth persisted and I was shaking so very violently. My husband addressed the shaking with the nurses and they said it sometimes happens from a reaction to the anesthesia. But then pain set in, pain much different from the gallbladder pain and/or the incision pain. It was strong and stabbing at times and in other ares it was diffuse. I could feel "air" trapped in my belly.  Finally i got to sleep after the nurses called the seurgon for stronger pain meds. 

In the morning i was given another round of pain meds and sent home.  I dont really remember leaving the hospital I just remember the crazy old man the wheeled me to the care.  Then waking up at home screaming in pain the next day.

My stomach had swollen up to the size of a beach volleyball, we called the seurgon and he said it should go away and that it was trapped co2 from the surgery. Another day passed and i was getting bigger and unable to eat, anything i drank or ate would come right back up.  Nothing was coming out the other end either...  Went in to see the seurgon and the first thing he said when he saw my tummy was "Oh my god! Your tummy is huge!" Like i already didn't know this, ha ha. I was sent for xrays which showed an ileus.

I had a paralytic ileus...

From mayoclinic.com:
"Paralytic ileus can cause signs and symptoms of intestinal obstruction, but doesn't involve a physical blockage. In paralytic ileus, muscle or nerve problems disrupt the normal coordinated muscle contractions of the intestines, slowing or stopping the movement of food and fluid through the digestive system.
Paralytic ileus can affect any part of the intestine. Causes can include: abdominal surgery, pelvic surgery, infection, certain medications, including pain medications that affect muscles and nerves, muscle and nerve disorders, such as parkinson's disease."

Docs switched my pain meds from narcotics to a non narcotic nasal spray to help controll the extreeme pain I was in, in case the pain meds were the cause.

The trapped air was in my small and large intestines and stayed there for almost a month. I was trying to eat but only could get down small amounts and still vomiting. Now every time I would eat or drink my stomach would sweel up and then would go down a little after a long period of not eating (usually night time). The pain was still bad. Very constipated and was perscribed miralax, i worked up to taking almost one whole bottle a day...and it didn't help. Going BM less than once every 2 weeks. Nausea and vomiting and horrible, weight loss continued down.

I was sent for every test imaginable..

Origionally GI doctor thought gastroparesis and so did I because of the symptoms.  Now we are leading towards a functional bowel disorder because the only test that has come back abnormal is the sitzmarker study. 

My GI doc has been great and has been diligent in trying to find answers! Sick of all the normal test results and no improvement in symptoms, at my last appointment my GI told me that this may be my new normal, something i would just have to deal with.  Infuriating!!!

Right now thanks to a liquid meal replacement called Orgain I have gained some of the weight back. I get intense cravings for food, I eat and then my body gets mad and I end up vomiting. I'm so tired of this "life".  My life is pain, work, sleep and repeat.

Lets get some answers...I still have some fight in me!!! I'm going to keep on smiling! I just keep remembering that I want people to see and feel God's grace through me.
 Matthew 5:16
"let your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works,
and glorify your Father in heaven."