Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Colonoscopy and Endoscopy

Went in for yet ANOTHER colonoscopy and endoscopy... What horrible tests, well the worst part for me was the "clean out".  It took over 4 colon preps for me to get any movement in my colon and did not even have a "need to go" moment.  I was worried that the prep would not work so I started "cleaning out" a few days before. I am on a mostly liquid diet and still unable to eat much if at all. 

The first thing I remember after the tests, even before my eyes could open was that I was crying and in so much pain!! My belly was sore and i had extreme pain throughout. 

Right after waking up my bottom was in intense pain as well and i figured it would just go away (maybe my bum was a little irritated).  A week or so went by and the pain got so much worse...called the GI doc and his nurse informed me that I most likely have an anal fissure caused by the excuse me? You guys caused this??? Now I usually dont get mad easily but when my bum is in so much pain all the time and they caused it...i got mad. Dr. prescribed rectiv (nitroglycerin based gel) 4%. Took four days to get it prescribed (Dr. is "busy"). That made me super frustrated. Every time we have a question or concern and we call it usually takes about a week before we get any answer from the Dr's. nurse.  But we figured out the direct number to the nurse and now we always get an answer and a much quicker answer.  Just don't call them every day and bug them they don't like it!  But, to get an appointment with the Dr. you have to wait at least 4 months.
Anyways, I put the prescribed dose on and immediately got sick with a HORRIBLE head ache, it was so bad I passed out and ended up sleeping for 6 hours straight and missing a full day of work. Husband called the doctor and come to find out they can't make the 1% cream anymore for some legal reason, so they had to prescribe the 4% cream.  What's even worse is I was told to use an INCH of the 4% when you only should use a small pea sized amount of the 1%. No wonder I got sick. Not only was i using like 10 times too much medicine but for my extremely low weight it made things worse.... call me crazy (sarcastically) but I feel like this whole thing could have been prevented if the GI Dr. was not so rough on my bum in the first place. 

Structurally everything looked good.  NO abnormalities.  And not any closer to answers.  AAAHHHH!