Friday, January 31, 2014

Dilated bowel loops...Not good at all

Gastrographin enema imaging showing dilated bowels and a back up near rectum.  Scheduled an appointment with surgeon for January 30th to see what's next. 

Met with surgeon who had already looked at my images.  Turns out that yes, there is a stricture which is what is causing all of the dilated bowel loops and the backup near my rectum...which is causing PAIN. The good news is that all of this can be healed by the passage of stool and physical therapy stretching out the stricture (which is a narrowing of bowel).  The reason for the stricture is that the only thing passing through my bowels is liquid.  So as the bowel is healing there is nothing to keep it stretched open so as the stool firms up it becomes hard for it to pass through.  So he sent me home with some pain meds and directions to come back if things get worse. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Surgeon just came in and saw me. Having a Gastrografin enema and oral study done in the morning to look for a stricture (narrowing of anastomosis). So sad to have more tests, but praying for some answers!!