Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Phew! What a busy life it is for me right now...

I'm so thankful to be working with some of the best specialists in the United states, surgeons, physical therapists, and imaging techs.  But unfortunately I'm still dealing with all of my prolapse issues and need the help of such specialists.  Before surgery I was so excited that my big surgery would fix me.  I would wake up and like magic my body would be all better, no more pooping issues, no more pain, and I would be able to EAT!!!!  Well for some reason after surgery my body just did not want to heal correctly.  I'm now dealing with pelvic organ prolapse specifically a cystocele, uterine prolapse and a rectocele, as well as a rectal prolapse.
I have been going to physical therapy twice a week and doing exercises at home as well.  Physical therapy on your womanly parts and rectum has got to be some of the most embarrassing times of my life.  I'm lucky that my physical therapist is very easy going and talks me through all of the positions.  The goal of the therapy is to strengthen the muscles in my pelvic area as well as in my rectum to prevent them from falling even further.  The heating pad and tens unit have been such a great help to ease the constant pain. 

I have been having lots of doctor appointments with each specialist trying to get any help I can that is NOT surgery.  I just don't think I could handle another surgery as of yet.  Also I desperately still want to have children so surgery is just not an option.  After much debating and speculating we have decided upon "watchful waiting".  I will keep on going to physical therapy and doing my strengthening exercises at home but we will just watch and document any changes that take place for the next year or so.  Mentally this is so challenging for me.  I'm the kind of person who sees a problem and fights as hard as she can until she finds the solutions.  So for me to just sit back and let things happen, especially when I'm in constant pain is one of the hardest things I have ever done.  A year just seems so long to do NOTHING!!!

My eating habits have improved and I can eat just about anything.  There are still some foods, salad and certain vegetables for example that still go right through me. But, I'm starting to have more formed BM's but I'm happy to just be going and to have the ability to eat.  My body is still weak from all the weight and muscle I lost from not being able to do much for the last couple of years so I'm slowly increasing my workouts.  Matt and I have been walking in Forrest Park a lot, I'm so lucky to have such a loving and supportive husband to be by my side every day through all of this!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Celebrating one year post colectomy!

Today is a celebration for me! Today is one year post op from my total colectomy. Today marks one year from a surgery that not only saved my life but changed my life in so many positive ways. I lost one extra long, extra loopy, dead colon and regained the ability to eat!!! It's been a bumpy road during this year of recovery; as with all major surgeries the cutting and removal of organs and tissues create new challenges that I am facing. But with faith and a lot of love and support from my family I am able to celebrate this one year mark!!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Dilated bowel loops...Not good at all

Gastrographin enema imaging showing dilated bowels and a back up near rectum.  Scheduled an appointment with surgeon for January 30th to see what's next. 

Met with surgeon who had already looked at my images.  Turns out that yes, there is a stricture which is what is causing all of the dilated bowel loops and the backup near my rectum...which is causing PAIN. The good news is that all of this can be healed by the passage of stool and physical therapy stretching out the stricture (which is a narrowing of bowel).  The reason for the stricture is that the only thing passing through my bowels is liquid.  So as the bowel is healing there is nothing to keep it stretched open so as the stool firms up it becomes hard for it to pass through.  So he sent me home with some pain meds and directions to come back if things get worse. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Surgeon just came in and saw me. Having a Gastrografin enema and oral study done in the morning to look for a stricture (narrowing of anastomosis). So sad to have more tests, but praying for some answers!!