Thursday, June 27, 2013

Physical Therapy

Well I am still off work two months after my colectomy. I have severe muscle degeneration, abdominal pain, pelvic floor issues (only after surgery), back pain, and my abdominal muscles are thin, too short and my PT could not even get them to contract. Not really sure what this means for me going forward but i know it's not good.

I had my 1st day of PT on Wednesday and my new PT is amazing!! They used an ultrasound machine to map out and measure all my abdominal muscles, bladder, pelvic floor etc. They also took videos while I did kegils, lifted my head and squeezed certain muscle groups in my abdomen. Many of my muscles would not move at all, especially my transverse abdominal that are basically so thin and short that they are non-existent. Part of my bladder and pelvic floor is constantly contracting and other parts she could not get to contract even with manual therapy methods. My bladder was very odd shaped, probably from the extra amount of colon, but now it's causing issues for my muscles. Also causing problems are the what i like to call holes where my huge intestines used to be (i had about 10 feet of huge distended loopy colon) my muscles in these areas don't move and the visceral tissue in there is very hard and will not allow anything to move. I have some rectal and bladder issues along with pelvic pain that started post-op. Also I have scar tissue causing pain in my abdomen and pelvic areas. I know there was a lot more specific issues but these are the ones i remember. Basically i have a huge mess of things not working and it's also causing pain in my back.

NO wonder I am so tired, and in pain when i move. ugh i thought once the healing from surgery (incisions, and the anastomosis) was done i would be all ready to go. I am so disheartened. It's causing me so much stress and anxiety!

PT says I am not allowed to walk anymore!?! WHAT no walking, how do you do that???  They want me to rest for 30 minutes (sit, laying back/reclining, or laying down) after 30 minutes of being up and active.

I am to work up to walking in the pool for 30 minutes 5 days a week. It's painful but not as bad as when i was trying to walk in the neighborhood. It's just so hard to hear that you have to restrict your activity again.

My immune system is all screwy. Basically as my doc explained it is that the majority of our immune system is in our "gut" and now that i have removed so much of it, so now my immune system is overcompensating and attacking my body. I get hives and severely itchy skin that hurts every day!! I am taking all kinds of meds for it but it's not helping. I'm sad.

Bowel movements are still iffy. I can't tell if they are gas, liquid, or solid still. They are pretty much all very loose and "fluffy" and are often. I can hold the BM so i don't ever worry about pooping my pants which is GREAT.

Tomorrow is a long day... PT in the morning (2nd day), then water walking, then i go to see my PCP about the immune system business.  Malnutrition is still a big issue. 

WOW that was very long, and i didn't even get that detailed. I have a lot going on, craziness! And i haven't even gone back to work yet. As far as energy level and what I can do physically, I'm very behind on this recovery process compared to where I should be (my PT does not want me working yet) but i have exhausted my FMLA So hi-ho, hi-ho its back to work i go!!!